2105 Bellingrath Cir
2105 Bellingrath Cir
Request info
- Date added: Added 2 months ago
- Price per sqft: $5.74
- Category: LOTS & LAND, None
- Type: Resi Over 1 acre
- Status: Active, Active-New
- Lot size: 55757 sq ft
- MLS ID: 22500529
- AgentID: 765510335
- AgentEmail: JohnSchutte@kw.com
- AgentFirstName: John
- AgentMI: T
- AgentLastName: Schutte
- AgentPhoneNumber: 605-310-9440
Have you been on a long journey to find the perfect location to build your dream home? Look no further! Secluded, panoramic views, mature oak trees, skyline of Sioux Falls and intimate surroundings are a few reasons why you will love this location. These lots are ideal for the out of city feeling, yet are conveniently located to all amenities in Sioux Falls. Positioned in the Brandon Valley School District with easy access to Highway 100 and main streets makes the commute painless but with an exclusively private setting. Live the story book lifestyle and make living in Canterbury North part of your next chapter while making a great investment for your future! This lot is Broker owned.
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