SE Corner Hwy 30 & Hwy 77 Jct
SE Corner Hwy 30 & Hwy 77 JctBasics
- Date added: Added 1 month ago
- Price per sqft: $0.38
- Category: LOTS & LAND, Outside City Limits
- Type: Farm Land
- Status: Active, Active-New
- Lot size: 6659888 sq ft
- MLS ID: 22500558
- AgentID: 762003052
- AgentEmail:
- AgentFirstName: Jackie
- AgentMI: M
- AgentLastName: Fischer
- AgentPhoneNumber: 605-360-2574
Here's your opportunity to own a premier quarter of ground! This 152.89 acre parcel contains some of the best farm land in Brookings County and is being offered for sale to the public for the first time in decades. Located at the intersection of Highways 30 & 77, 1 mile west of Interstate 29 (SE). This parcel is a very unique combination of high NCCPI soil rating (88.65), already developed irrigation (Valley center pivot irrigation system included) and no wasted land used up by low wet acres that can't be farmed. Buyer will need to dig a new well, current well is shared and located on a separate parcel to the South (not included in sale). Three phase power located at pivot head. Based on current well information, an aquifer is roughly 40â down, the depth of the gravel is 5â-40â providing for 35â of water bearing material. The irrigation system reads 3576 hours (about 50 circles or 50â of water) - current well water is soft water, so no discoloration of the pivot head. Do NOT drive on land or touch irrigation equipment without written permission. All Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed, buyer and their agent to independently verify.
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