- Date added: Added 10 months ago
- Price per sqft: $1.72
- Category: LOTS & LAND, None
- Type: Resi 1 acre or less
- Status: Active
- Lot size: 21780 sq ft
- MLS ID: 22306212
- AgentID: 765510862
- AgentEmail:
- AgentFirstName: Keith
- AgentMI: A
- AgentLastName: Elbers
- AgentPhoneNumber: 507-920-6131
If you've always dreamed of building your own home on a golf course lot, then this lot in Beaver Creek, MN might just be the perfect one for you. While the course is currently undergoing renovation, you can still enjoy a delicious meal at the Club House after a long day. With stunning views of the surrounding countryside, you can look forward to beautiful sunrises and breathtaking sunsets at the end of the day.
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