- Date added: Added 10 months ago
- Price per sqft: $199.52
- Category: LOTS & LAND, None
- Type: General Comm Land
- Status: Active
- Lot size: 39470 sq ft
- MLS ID: 22308052
- AgentID: 762504105
- AgentEmail:
- AgentFirstName: Susanne
- AgentMI: V
- AgentLastName: Bielfeldt
- AgentPhoneNumber: 239-776-8887
Exciting Brookings SD commercial investment opportunity. 14 lots are available (most are contiguous) from 39,470 sf up to 109,961 sf., with several at 40,000 to 62,000 sf +/-. Located along I-29 frontage with visibility. High traffic area with SD State Univ, research park, established retailers and interstate access ramp close by. Wilbert Ct is now a partially completed paved road THE LISTED ADDRESS, SF, PRICE PER SF AND LOT SIZE IS FOR EXAMPLE ONLY DUE TO NUMBER OF PARCELS AVAILABLE. CONTACT AGENTS FOR MORE INFO.
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