5500 E York Cir
5500 E York Cir
Request info
- Date added: Added 3 weeks ago
- Price per sqft: $4.23
- Category: Building Eligibility, LOTS & LAND
- Type: Resi Over 1 acre
- Status: Active, Active - Contingent Misc
- Lot size: 101625 sq ft
- MLS ID: 22405632
- AgentID: 765511015
- AgentEmail: jmcdowell@core-companies.com
- AgentFirstName: Joel
- AgentLastName: McDowell
- AgentPhoneNumber: 605-438-5635
Heavily wooded residential walkout lot located within the city limits northeast Sioux Falls. This is the last empty lot on York Circle in nearly built out Canterbury Estates. The lot has connection to natural gas, electric and Sioux Falls' water/sewer. The lot is +/- 101,654 square feet (+/- 2.33 acres). Schools include Brandon Valley Inspiration Elementary, Intermediate School (grades 5-6), Middle School and High High School. Bring your own plans and builder. Restrictive covenants apply to protect your investment.
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