4th St
4th St
Request info
- Date added: Added 1 month ago
- Price per sqft: $1.86
- Category: Building Eligibility, LOTS & LAND
- Type: Multi Family Land, Resi 1 acre or less
- Status: Active, Active-New
- Lot size: 48240 sq ft
- MLS ID: 22408219
- AgentID: 765511744
- AgentEmail: mandra@bhhsmidwestrealty.com
- AgentFirstName: Mandra
- AgentMI: L
- AgentLastName: Kruse
- AgentPhoneNumber: 605-777-3039
Here is your chance to own over a one-acre lot in the heart of town! Located next to Beresford's beautiful golf course! Build your dream home or subdivide and develop your own little community! Beresford is a well-developed community located just Interstate 29, between Sioux Falls and Sioux City! Lot is 174 ft. by 237 ft. with an additional 42 ft. x 174 ft. parcel. East lot available too. Building subject to city approval.
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