47380 Tom Sawyer Trl
47380 Tom Sawyer Trl
Request info
- Date added: Added 5 months ago
- Price per sqft: $5.50
- Category: Building Eligibility, LOTS & LAND, None
- Type: Resi Over 1 acre
- Status: Active, Active-New
- Lot size: 63598 sq ft
- MLS ID: 22405557
- AgentID: 765511015
- AgentEmail: jmcdowell@core-companies.com
- AgentFirstName: Joel
- AgentLastName: McDowell
- AgentPhoneNumber: 605-438-5635
One of the few executive lots over one acre between Sioux Falls and Harrisburg! Bring your builder and your plans for this +/- 1.46 acre lot. Zoning allows one house matching accessory building of up to 1500 square feet. No need to store the boat, rv, classic cars or guests offsite. The back perimeter is tree lined, providing a screen not often found near a build ready lot. Be sure to find the link to the 360 spin in this listing to see this lot in full fall splendor.
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