305 E Highway 38 Hwy
305 E Highway 38 Hwy
Request info
- Date added: Added 6 months ago
- Price per sqft: $7.11
- Category: LOTS & LAND, None
- Type: General Comm Land
- Status: Active, Active-New
- Lot size: 30679 sq ft
- MLS ID: 22407035
- AgentID: 765511840
- AgentEmail: daveburke@kw.com
- AgentFirstName: Dave
- AgentLastName: Burke
- AgentPhoneNumber: 605-366-4580
Nestled at the heart of opportunity, this open lot of land beckons entrepreneurs with its untapped potential. This lot boasts a prime location, easily accessible in a growing community. This blank slate is ideal for crafting a business from the ground up, allowing visionary minds to construct their dreams into reality. Whether it's a charming café, a cutting-edge tech hub, or a retail haven, this open lot eagerly awaits the imprint of entrepreneurial aspirations, ready to flourish alongside the ambitions of its future proprietors.
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