2A 2B Hwy 38 Hwy
2A 2B Hwy 38 HwyBasics
- Date added: Added 1 month ago
- Price per sqft: $1.10
- Category: Building Eligibility, LOTS & LAND, Outside City Limits
- Type: Resi Over 1 acre
- Status: Active, Active-New
- Lot size: 524898 sq ft
- MLS ID: 22500415
- AgentID: 762003052
- AgentEmail: jackie@ameri-star.com
- AgentFirstName: Jackie
- AgentMI: M
- AgentLastName: Fischer
- AgentPhoneNumber: 605-360-2574
Do you dream of your own small hobby farm at night? Do you find yourself wishing for more peace and quiet and less hustle and bustle? Wishing you had a space outside of the city that would keep your neighbors out of earshot? Peace, quiet, tranquility, privacy, room to roam, it's all right here, and it can be all yours! Take a moment to imagine sitting on the front porch of your newly built dream home, taking in the peace and quiet, sipping a fresh cup of your morning get up and go, while breathing in the sweet smell of the fresh country air, and marveling at how you can literally see for miles from your own 12 acre parcel. Maybe you want a place to have your own business without facing all of the rules and regulations of city living - or limiting the size of the outbuilding you can build? What if this was the perfect place, the one you see when you close your eyes? Ready to create a legacy for yourself, this place holds something cool and unique to add to that legacy - it's being offered for the first time in over 150 years, making you just the second owner since it was first settled upon. Located just outside of town on a private access road. Less than 2 miles to every convenience, school, restaurants, grocery stores, gas station, big box store, and more. Quick access to both interstate systems. This property is one of a kind and truly special - ready for you to choose your builder, and bring your dream home to life. The sooner this lot has your name on it, the sooner you can break ground and start enjoying all the freedoms that come with country living! Rural Water & Propane Utilities in the ditch on Hwy 38. DO NOT DRIVE ONTO PROPERTY - clearly marked for viewing ease. The tree grove is near the South lot line of this acreage.
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