- Date added: Added 1 year ago
- Price per sqft: $0.30
- Category: LOTS & LAND, Outside City Limits
- Type: Farm Land
- Status: Active
- Lot size: 1481040 sq ft
- MLS ID: 22200607
- AgentID: 765511008
- AgentEmail:
- AgentFirstName: Bret
- AgentMI: C
- AgentLastName: Merkle
- AgentPhoneNumber: 605-351-6375
Location! Location! Location! Check out this parcel with unbelievable potential adjacent to a railroad and I-29. Situated only a half mile north of Worthing Exit 64, you can own 34+/- acres of land that is currently zoned agricultural but supports potential light industrial or commercial zoning. Just minutes south of Sioux Falls, this parcel is an ideal opportunity for a light industrial venture that is within easy proximity of South Dakota's largest city. No rural housing eligibility.
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