- Date added: Added 5 months ago
- Price per sqft: $4.06
- Category: LOTS & LAND, None
- Type: Farm Land
- Status: Active, Active-New
- Lot size: 1983279 sq ft
- MLS ID: 22406722
- AgentID: 765512163
- AgentEmail:
- AgentFirstName: Brian
- AgentMI: D
- AgentLastName: Smit
- AgentPhoneNumber: 605-310-9805
Large parcel of undeveloped land on the corner of 85th St & Louise Ave in the vibrantly expanding south side of Sioux Falls. This parcel has significant street frontage on Louise Ave to the west, 85th St to the north and Meredith Ave to the east. Potential future zoning includes: RD-1, RA-2, RA-3, LW/O & C2/C3. Terrific mixed use development opportunity with quick access to I-229 as well as Highway 100 and the 85th St interchange in the near future. 2023 traffic counts: 8,500 per day on W 85th St and 17,900 per day on S Louise Ave.
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