1540 Territorial Rd
1540 Territorial Rd
Request info
- Date added: Added 1 month ago
- Price per sqft: $7.99
- Category: Building Eligibility, Lake, LOTS & LAND
- Type: Lake Lot Land
- Status: Active, Active - Contingent Misc, Active-New
- Lot size: 10000 sq ft
- MLS ID: 22408477
- AgentID: 765511076
- AgentEmail: adamsellsmore@gmail.com
- AgentFirstName: Adam
- AgentMI: P
- AgentLastName: Foland
- AgentPhoneNumber: 605-270-2598
You will enjoy the scenic views of Beautiful Lake Herman. This Lake offers fishing and boating opportunities in a convenient location near the Madison Country Club Golf Course and just down the road from Lake Herman State Park. Note, however, that there is an existing house on the property that is recommended for tear down due to mold issues, and it is being sold as-is. This is an opportunity to have one of the last remaining buildable lots on Lake Herman!
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